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Place Yourself in an Environment to Succeed!

If any of you watching have wondered if you will make it and how, I want you to meet my good friend Terra Doren. This woman accomplished more in one month than she did over the course of a year! Terra has been in the business for five years and just a year and a half ago, our paths crossed. Terra worked strictly with buyers and was looking to join our team as a broker. At the time, she had only completed six transactions over the course of the year.

In the previous year was a different story for Terra – she completed many transactions, but her troubles began when she started struggling to generate leads. My goal from that point forward was to show Terra how to independently create her own leads and in turn, create her own success. Terra, however, was not easy to convince. She lacked the confidence and experienced growing pains when learning how to use the tools she needed to succeed. Remember, we all learn at our own pace!

After being a part of our coaching program for a year and a half, Terra went from having her business handed to her to aspiring to become the number one producing female agent at Intero. She soon began slowly building confidence, taking listings, prospecting and learning how to speak with people – then it finally clicked in Terra’s mind. Her life had officially changed!

Terra attributes everything to the coaching, enthusiasm and the overall environment at Intero. Remember Terra’s goal? Well, she made a little noise in January, did the same in February but when she finished the month of March, she had the best individual month of any female agent at Intero. To keep track of production, our sales board uses little squares to indicate listings, sales and closings. Terra put up fourteen squares that consisted of three listings, three closings and eight sales.

If anyone is looking to have a breakthrough like Terra’s, Terra says you have to place yourself in the right environment. This means finding an office that treats each other like family and is always willing to help each other out. The energy, coaching, training, scheduling and prospecting brought her to where she is now. She was no longer working just to work and no longer needed someone to take care of her!

Terra refers to herself as a butterfly and is very excited for the future. This is essence of everything we teach and what I work to do. I can provide the information and pave the way – but it’s up to you to go out there and get it. If you’re in Terra’s position right now, she urges you to go out and do something different. That means try different coaching, teaching and opening your mind! Expect more and go after it.

I would like to thank Terra for sharing her story with every one of us – all of our videos have a purpose. Terra found a reason to do more for herself and in turn, her life will never be the same! Thank you for joining us and stay tuned for a surprise in our next video.

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Intero Real Estate Services Southern California was created with the goal to enhance agents’ productivity within the brokerage. With that goal in mind, we are passionate about helping agents maximize results in their career on the road to success.

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10803 Foothill Blvd, Suite 110 Rancho Cucamonga,CA 91730 C.909.477.7690