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Today, I want to talk about how sitting in your office is costing you a lot of money and opportunities. If you’re anything like me, you have a very comfortable office – you’re surrounded by things you enjoy and love. Recently, I’ve started noticing something about myself…
I’ve been treating my office as a cocoon, or protective shell, where I am isolated from everyone else. I’ve realized that this is what a lot of people do in our industry; many people get caught up in the idea that a big, fancy office is a symbol of productivity. I’ve found that this isn’t the case.
My office caused me to miss out on an amazing opportunity to get together and connect with people in our firm, and feed off of that energy. Recently, I’ve decided that I need to get back to basics on a daily basis. But what are the basics in our industry?
Every single day, we should be working on our sales skills. Whether you agree with our philosophy or not, it flat out works. One of the things you should keep asking yourself is, “What is my result?” It doesn’t matter that you have a nice cozy office with a TV; what matters is that Monday through Friday, five days a week, 40 to 70 hours a week, you are doing the best job that you possibly can to create an amazing future and an amazing life for your family.
I’m doing the best job I possibly can to show you how to create that amazing future for your family. To do this, I started challenging all of the agents here at our company. I remember the early days when no one knew who we were, when we didn’t even know each other. The fact that we would get together every single morning and prospect is one of the basic principles that helped us to get to the point we are now.
Our egos get so caught up with the idea of “being in our office” that we lose track of what matters. You have to realize that we aren’t in the product business – we don’t sit somewhere, think for a couple of days, develop a product, and then go out and sell it. We are in the service industry and the product is us – our energy, our belief, our customer service, our ability to weather the ups and downs of life, and stay committed, focused, and passionate every single day. It’s our job to make sure prospective clients feel it.
How can you be at the top of your game if your door is shut and you have no one to hold you accountable? How can you find success if you are not surrounded by energy, passion, and enthusiasm? When I started realizing these were real problems, I decided to go back to basics. Day in and day out, I have gone back to prospecting. Additionally, I’ve given myself a new “office.”
You want to be in a lively environment when you work and you can’t do that behind a closed door. You want to be surrounded by people who are chasing their dreams, who are pushing for each other. You NEED to be working side by side with people who are willing to lift you up. I decided I needed to be in an environment like that, so I’ve made the change. I’m the first one to admit that sometimes a fancy office gets in the way of true productivity.
Bottom line: get back to the fundamentals. Pick up a phone, call people who are looking to buy or sell homes, and ask them how you can be of service. The best way to do that is get out of your shell, surround yourself with your peers, and focus on their energy and passion. The best way to stay up and productive is to feed off of the positive energy of others!
It’s simple and you’ll improve your business, no questions asked. What’s stopping you from stepping out of your cozy office and calling prospects right this second? Take this advice to heart and watch your productivity skyrocket!